Have you seen Tupac's hologram performance in 2012 or Michael Jackson's in 2014? Creating human holograms has gained immense popularity in various industries and never fails to amaze audiences!
But let's be clear - these are not true Holograms, as they don't retain the depth of a figure. Holographic projection is a 2D projection onto a flat surface that creates an illusion for the human eye through a series of reflections.
The most popular technique involves creating an illusion by reflecting real images onto a screen using reflective sheets at a 45-degree angle. This angle allows the audience to perceive a virtual image that appears to be 3D.
It involves using an ultra-thin gauze made of poly-amide, which is coated with a highly reflective metallic material. It's commonly used in theater productions and large exhibitions as it creates realistic holographic projections that can easily appear and disappear.
It involves transparent and ultra-thin foil with high-light transmission. Great medium to use in daylight or bright conditions and for point of sale promotions, window displays, or events to create catchy Holo-effects!
AR technology blends digital holographic content with the real environment, making it appear as if holographic objects exist in the real world. This technique is often used for interactive experiences and product presentations.